UinEdu “Study in China” Online Education Exhibition

Sichuan Vocational College of Information Technology

About the University

Sichuan Vocational College of Information Technology Established in 1976, Sichuan Vocational College of Information Technology is the only state-run vocational college of electronic information in Sichuan province, attached to Sichuan Provincial Economic and Information Department. It is one of the outstanding provincial demonstrative colleges in Sichuan province. It is one of the national training bases for highly skilled personnel, one of the model vocational colleges for digital campus construction, one of the outstanding provincial demonstrative colleges in Sichuan province, one of provincial high-level vocational colleges.
Located in Guangyuan city, Sichuan province of China, the college currently has 2 campuses with a floor area of 35 hectares, over 10,000 students and 584 staff, including 31 professors, 107 associate professors. 51.5of the teachers own master degree and 57.5are double-qualified teachers. There are School of Software, School of Electronics and Internet of Things, School of Modern Manufacturing, School of Digital Economics, School of Intelligent Control, School of Networking and Communication, School of Humanities and School of Social Service and International Education, and 33 specialties such as applied electronics, software and numerical control. It has gradually formed the specialty structure system of being engineering-centered and electronic & information oriented. The training system is advanced and well-equipped including the national training base for electrics, electronics and automation technology, and the national training base for numerical control. Companies like Cisco, Siemens, Oracle, HP, Lenovo, ZTE and HUAWEI have been in cooperation with the college. It has set up corporate colleges like Lenovo Education College, ICT College of ZTE, and Ultrawise Sofftware College.
In recent years, the college has developed deep international cooperation like teacher training, student exchange and academic seminar with institutes in Australia, USA, Canada, Germany, Thailand, South Korea, India and other countries and areas. There are about 300 international students from 20 countries, such as Russia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Tajikistan, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, etc.

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  • 16h:39m:33s; Jul 27,2022

    84606****@qq.com: Registration address:https://scitc.at0086.cn/StuApplication/Login.aspx

  • 15h:49m:03s; Jul 27,2022

    zxh161275****@gmail.com: hello, teacher

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